How to be a member
(a) Any corporate body can at the discretion of the Executive Committee may be enrolled as a patron of the association. An individual other than a corporate body, who is in the opinion of the Executive Committee, may contribute to the image and objective of the association significantly and who wishes to enroll as a patron, can be enrolled at the discretion of Executive Committee.
(b) Any corporate body or any individual donating fifty thousand taka may at the discretion Executive Committee be enrolled as a patron of the association. Patrons will have no voting rights nor can they propose, second or hold any office bearer of the association.
Fellowship is recognition of achievement and not a promise. Selection of a fellow predicates that the fellowship certificate is awarded. The indices for fellowship shall be:
(a) Minimum experience of ten years after post-graduation in psychiatry.
(b) Continuous membership of association for not less than seven years.
(c) Should have made a significant contribution to the field of psychiatry
The Executive Committee may elect only by unanimous vote of those present at the meeting, a person who in its judgment is a renewed scientist in the field of medical science other than psychiatry, psychology and social medicine.
The person who has fulfilled criteria described in “Eligibility of membership” (article-9) shall be qualified to be admitted as a member of the association.
Any person who is qualified to be admitted as an ordinary member, can be on a single payment of Tk. 5,000/- be admitted as life member. A life member upon admission as such, shall not be liable to pay annual subscription.
Any person not otherwise qualified to be an ordinary member but is engaged in the field of Psychiatry, Psychology and related field may subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, become an associate member of the association. An associate member shall have no right to vote or hold office of the association.
i. Each year subscriptions shall entitle the member to all privileges of the membership of the association including those of receiving the journals for the current year.
ii. Every member and life member shall be supplied with copies of all publications of the association, either free of charges or at such rates as the association may fix from time to time. The Executive Committee shall have the power to fix subscription fee for the journal for members, if this is thought to be necessary in future by the Executive Committee.
iii. Every member and life member shall have the right to attend and take part in discussion in all general and clinical meetings, lectures and demonstrations organized by the association.
iv. Every member and life member shall have the rights to vote on all regulations put forward at any of the general meeting of the association in the manner as stipulated in the bye-laws.
v. Every member and life member shall have the right to vote in the election of the Executive Committee of the association and to be elected as members of the Executive Committee given the condition that the member or life member has cleared all his dues (including annual membership subscription fees, development and maintenance fees for life members, Psychiatrists’ Welfare Fund) before publication of the voter list.
vi. Every member and life member shall enjoy all other privileges that may hereinafter be offered by the association.
Every member shall remain a member until his membership is terminated in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained.

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